Lunaf0x'''s Dataspherespace!

It's still a bit empty (sorry) but I'm planning on adding more !

Either way, enjoy your stay Foxies <3

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Hi Foxies!!!

So, for those that have received my previous message, you may be pleased to hear that I'm now a...


And not only that, but I got introduced to a group of other Starfinders! They were a bit of a serious bunch though. I don't think they took me serious at first though. Or maybe still not? But far be it from me to be unprepared! Regulars in my stream may have seen SolisDog, my cute combat drone which also has a convenient riding saddle and a cargo rack for my soda. And it impressed them enough to take me as a freelancer! And even though I got called a "pet with a pet" due to my size and subsequent equal size drone, I'm still in, so that's good!

FOXNOTE: Just because Kraei' called me a pet, that doesn't mean you all can! 12 month subscriber tier, you know the rules.

But they were cool people though! I think just the hard mercenary type, for a part. But I got to meet Noe et Al on our team, who is also a Foxie!! The petters name is apparently Kraei'. E-L1j4h is this neat looking android. I didn't talk to Zed a lot, but hopefully I'll get to more in the future! And Panta could probably get along with every dad in this universe if he wanted to.

Now, I try to be generally family friendly, even though some adult topics come up every now and then. So let it be known that if you are below the age of maturity of your species, I must ask you to not continue reading this paragraph. The next one is fine though! Okay, gone? Good. Because His Prophetic Poet has been watching over this group, let me tell you. The petter and the robot? BIG... "DTF" ENERGY, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. IT IS BAD. WAUW.

I got to go on ARES. Into this BIG library that is interconnected with the DataSphere! I forgot the name which I know I shouldn't because it's a direct reference to the Terran library which I would look up in the library but how could I ever go to the library of which I don't know the name to find the library of which I don't know the name! That's recursive logic.

While the library was super impressive, it was also a bit weird. People knew Kraei' and E-L1j4h down there. And this super big Librarian asked me for my name and I told Librarian my name but that didn't do the trick and I had to mumble my "full" "name" and all I hope is that noone else heard it. Ugh.

There were some fun highlights though! And on the way to getting a ship, a bunch of really cool people, these two sisters who were also Foxies and then their dad who was the warmest guy I think I've ever met (I wish he was my dad!!). We had a drink at his café (which is cool because with streaming all the time I never get to have a drink!). I think I even made one of the higher ups at Starfinder crack a smile! I got to help fix a spaceship and then even go into a warp gate and I nailed it the first time and then the second time I may have been a little teensy tiny bit nauseous but we're ignoring that

I'm excited to see where things'll go next though! We're on this mission to collect these three artifacts. Wish I could tell you what they were, but I can't! Classifieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed information!

Now, back to work! Have a good moon, and wish me luck <33





Hi Foxies!!

I have been Chitstreaming for SO long. And it has been so much fun !! The people I got to meet thanks to what I do (and especially with Alien Harvest Crossing Valley!) have been some of the most wonderful people I have gotten to meet and most fun drones I've gotten to kitbash. (<3 you Plague_Rat!!!)

But truth be told, there might be more out there. Living in The Crown has been great. But by Her Fostering Mother, the wide outreach I've been blessed with also means that now I see how dire things are for some of you. I had to convince people to take my tips when ordering parts and stuff, because while they were talented, they were in such dire situations that they just had to bring in customers as fast as possible and the best way to do that is by labouring yourself for nOTHING AND THAT'S NOT GOOD

Will I be able to make any dent into this? Probably not. But it's worth a shot, right? What kind of Chitstreamer would I be if I didn't try!!

A picture of Plague_Rat with "bestie" scribbled on it

So I've been looking into ways to get around more. It'll take a bit of my streaming hours, so sorry about that! But I'll try to give check-ins and let you all in on things. If I'm not doing some super classified cool stuff.

If you see me across the stars, please do come say hi! Unless I'm being chased by some people. Then don't. Stay safe until I'm done and then come say hi!!

Have a good moon!